Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Xbox now has a blog

In a geeky turn of events, I decided to let my Xbox 360 get its own blog. Yes, my Xbox now blogs. On its own. By itself.

"What on Earth would your Xbox blog about?" you ask? Simple. It talks about the games I play! Check it out!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mass Effect Conversation T-Shirt!

This is too cool not to share! So I've been playing Mass Effect on my Xbox 360. It's a sci-fi role playing game and it's quite an immersive, deep game with plot twists, side quests, and a great storyline. Love it.

The method used to select conversation choices is very easy, with all choices as a "spoke" on a wheel. It's so effective it becomes second nature.

That being said, I decided to see what if there was anything on Zazzle that was Mass Effect related. I found this shirt, which is a template that allows you to change each text option. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

IE8 passes Acid2 test for first time!

The IE Dev Team at Microsoft just announced that they have reached a milestone in development by having a build of IE8 that successfully passes the Acid2 Face Test.

This is a great step for IE's standards compliance. Watch the video interview with some IE devs explaining what this all means.

What if the Beatles sang Stairway to Heaven?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007

For all you guitar heroes out there!

Get this t-shirt on Zazzle. You can choose from hundreds of styles and colors with this design on it, customize this shirt with more images or text, or create your own t-shirts from scratch!